The importance of Case Studies in any digital marketing strategy

Wed 16 Oct 2019
Let me extend on what we were writing about last week and the power of Case Studies.
Case Studies authentically have keywords about your business. Google reads them and places them into search results. It also tells Google that you are still in business and working on your website. The constant "noise" of posting Case Studies ticks many boxes with Google and this is another reason that Case Studies are an important part of digital marketing for any business.
For confirmation of the importance you are welcome to check the case studies for Queensland's Best Termite and Pest Control company, Conquer Termites Northside who's top search position is cemented in part by this weekly activity.
As Marketing Managers we ensure that we showcase our client's work, each and every week. While we are undertaking this, our clients can continue to work on or in their business, safe in the knowledge that their marketing staff are doing their part. We love being the Marketing Managers for Queenland's Best trades and residential service businesses. The eCentral team and Queensland's Best Marketing Program displace the need for marketing headcount by using a documented 17 point marketing plan and a combined 87 years of business experience.
Are you endlessly disappointed with digital marketing delivering mediocre results. A solution is only a call away on 0407 15 13 11.