How do I get more visitors to my web site?

Thu 29 Sep 2016
By John Nayler
This is the most common question asked of eCentral and our specialist high end digital marketing.
It would be great it the answer where easy to get more clicks on my web site, but unfortunately, its not (otherwise everyone would be doing it).
Truth is that getting more people on your web site, more clicks and more business typically requires some strategic thinking and more perceived "pain" than you might imagine.
For instance would you consider changing the name of your business?
Normally, the answer would be NO and we entirely agree, but some times the effort to break out of small business syndrome requires a fundamental rethink. (in a recent case, we did advise a 10 year old business to change its name slightly).
Though this sounds hefty, but there might be other pain to come.
In another recent case, eCentral were engaged to get an major new venture being developed via outsourcing in India. Besides the obvious trouble with language and bad skype connections, a simple test of the logo developed by the high end agency responsible for the overall project failed the basic test. When the logo was shown to a test audience, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE guessed the function of the new venture...
There is plenty to question at strategic level, but what answer do I have for "how do I get more visitors on my web site?". Well here is one tip with a pointed example.
During 2015, the flagship outcome of new era systems at eCentral was the signature project for Whitehaven Xpress. As the original Whitehaven Beach tour from Airlie Beach, Whitehaven Xpress' web site was last modified prior to 2010.
As part of a strategic to tactical project running for 12 months, Whitehaven Xpress is now enjoying great success and upwards of 1800 organic search clicks from Google WITH OUT PAYING A CENT in Google Adwords advertising.
Elements to this success is the overall project, redesign, refined and succinct communication of marketing message, multi-lingual support, photography, a custom booking process and ...
Whitehaven Xpress is one of the few clients that has followed our systems and instruction. We made it super easy, we gave them the formula and to their credit, they have stuck to the task.... and the result - in recent months 1800 clicks FREE from Google. Worth at least $4500 each month, we have made Google their friend and now their business benefits from top search positions in their market.
That's success from eCentral strategic digital marketing that scales to any business size.
So how many visitors would you like on your web site? For digital marketing strategy and systems we have the demonstrated skills and ready to help.
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